Brighten up with Ayurveda

Dec 2nd 2019

Brighten up with Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest known doctrine on life and health and originates from the Vedic high culture of ancient India. This knowledge has been transmitted orally for thousands of years.The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (learning) and can be translated by the concepts of “wordly wisdom” or “knowledge of life”.The Ayurvedic Teaching is considered a “holistic combination of empiric natural science and philosophy”, which focuses on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects necessary to mankind’s wellbeing — these are the diverse temperaments (vital energies), the so called Doshas:

Vata (wind, earth, and Pneuma)  Pitta (fire,water, and Chole)  Kapha (earth,water, and Phlegma)

The essence of the Ayurvedic Teaching is that the Doshas should be in a harmonic state of equilibrium. This balance can be supported by the power of diverse herbs. Our Ayurveda teas will provide perfect balance for your vital energy. The symbiosis of Ayurvedic Teachings and our tea export has been combined in these unique, prepacked, organic herb & spice tea blends. If you are looking for the somewhat different herbal tea, you have come to the right place. These intense flavors emerge without added flavoring!